About me

Hi, My name is Rohan Kumar Birtia (quite a long name as given by my parents).  I have been into information security from 2013. I have few security certifications like OSCP,OSWP, CREST CRT, CKA,CKS,CRTP, AWS Security Specialist & last not the least CEH 🙃.I mostly work on Application security & Cloud Native Security , also some time on Thick client, Red Teaming, Network. I have worked few years triaging bugs , also as Security Consultant to various vendors. Recently I moved to product security role.I have been acknowledge by Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Dropbox etc. major vendors for reporting security issues.

Younger me-Well reading above, you would be thinking I must have been a bright student .I had 47 % marks in 12th board exam. I had 30 back papers until 3rd year of engineering. Cleared all in last 2 semester a amazing record (goal oriented 😁) . I was born 17th May 1994 ,in a small town in Odisha, India. I had 7 schools from class1-10 as my father was a govt servant and transfer orders.

About personality I am humorous, goal oriented person & was quite a introvert. Political and personal views are always for me is "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" .

If you want to collaborate/ Freelancing/hire-me, please reach out to me rohan<at>osquery.net.



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